Jag är en långdistanslöpare från Helsingfors. Mina huvudsträckor är 5000m och 10 000m och mitt mål är att vara med i de Olympiska spelen år 2016 i Rio de Janeiro. Där tänker jag springa fortare än någonsin förr. Vid sidan om löpning studerar jag på Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan.

lördag 16 juni 2012


38.20 or something. What is happening? All my practices have went well. I have slept well, eaten good and taken care of everything... This was my time on 10 000m. I started as planned, but after maybe one kilometer I didn't speed up. Just ran the race, without any attempts to even try.

I can't believe I have ran too much lately either.. I have ran the slow runs slow and the hard practices like planned, or a bit faster because it has felt so good...

After my race my coach was speechless and so was I. This was my slowest race since 2009.

What should I do?

Yesterday I planned to just give it all up and start with something else, but Sebastian gave me a bit perspective... He believes in me and told me some really good stuff, so here I am. Still trying and believing, that I'm going to run  fast this summer. A bit too optimistic? Who cares. I have to keep up my motivation for training.

My coach said I should try a shorter distance now, and I think that is a good idea. So, after all I am going to race. So shorter distances it is and maybe some nice summer run events...

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